First SCSS Experiment - A Blurry World

I know. I know. I am late into the business. All cool kids have nailed it completely and I took it up yesterday. But better late than never.

I had tried LESS a little bit, mostly for variables and occasionally for mixins. Never used preprocessing extensively in projects and continued to use the same ol' CSS for everything. I wanted to dive-in. So when it was time to pick one up, I went through this article and picked SCSS.

Now that SCSS was the chosen one, the instant thought I had was to play around with multiple shadows. It's been one of those things, I always wanted to do. Sadly, it's difficult to write random multiple box-shadows manually. Hence I needed a loop and a shadow generator.


Nothing much here. The aim was to use a single element. The blob.

<span class="blob"></span>


I first created a variable $shadows which contained the number of shadows I wanted to create. Then, I created the base styling for the .blob

/*Number of shadows to generate*/
$shadows: 1000;

/*our loved blob*/
.blob {
  height: 3px;
  width: 3px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  display: inline-block;

Next, I created a random box-shadow generator. I limited the X and Y offset values to 1920 and 1080 respectively( That's my screen resolution. Still looking for a way to get window height and width in SCSS ). Set the blur and spread radius to the same random number and lastly, used random numbers to generate the colors using rgb().

@function randomBoxShadow() {
  $radius: random(50);
  $shadow: random(1920) + "px " + random(1080) + "px " + $radius + "px " +
    $radius + "px rgb(" + random(255) + "," + random(255) + "," + random(255) +
  @return unquote($shadow);

See the unquote()  in the return statement?. $shadow  get's generated as a string. e.g - "10px 120px 40px 40px rgb(1,35,145)" with the quotes. This however can't be assigned to box-shadow. Hence we unquote() it.

Finally I create a loop for the box-shadow inside .blob  and call randomBoxShadow() within it to get a random shadow every time.

$box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 #000; /*an initial value for box-shadow*/
@for $i from 2 through $shadows {
  $box-shadow: $box-shadow + "," + randomBoxShadow();
box-shadow: unquote($box-shadow);

Combining all these, the SCSS ended up as follows.

$shadows: 1000;

@function randomBoxShadow() {
  $radius: random(50);
  $shadow: random(1920) + "px " + random(1080) + "px " + $radius + "px " +
    $radius + "px rgb(" + random(255) + "," + random(255) + "," + random(255) +
  @return unquote($shadow);

.blob {
  height: 3px;
  width: 3px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  display: inline-block;
  $box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 #000;
  @for $i from 2 through $shadows {
    $box-shadow: $box-shadow + "," + randomBoxShadow();
  box-shadow: unquote($box-shadow);

...and I was happy!

See the Pen A blurry world! by Praveen Puglia (@praveenpuglia) on CodePen.